Tuition Information


Think you can’t afford a BMA education?
We are here to help.

Enrolling in Blue Mountain Academy is not just the beginning of an exceptional academic experience, but it is a spiritual investment as well. We have scholarships available to positively recognize you for the things you already do–from good academics to playing an instrument to involvement in your church. All the necessary information regarding our financial aid and scholarships are located under our Financial Aid & Scholarships page for your convenience. Please don’t hesitate to contact with any financial questions or concerns. We want to make it possible for you to join us at Blue Mountain Academy and start making memories to last a lifetime!

Each student has a school account with a payment plan. The standard payment plan is developed for nine monthly payments from August to April. Parents will sign up for an automatic payment plan which outlines the monthly payments. Parents can choose to have a monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly or semester payment plan.

  • The first payment is due in August before school starts. Payment plans, tuition payments, and financial aid are processed online via FACTS

  • Additional payment plan extensions (10 months) are available per request. The payment plan can only be extended until May 30 of the payment plan's school year. A request must be submitted to the school treasurer by email at

  • A monthly statement is accessible online via FACTS and is also sent to the email provided during the enrollment process.



Domestic Students

Tuition: Day Students $11,080

Tuition/Room/Cafeteria: Dorm Students: $19,045

International Students (Dorm only)

International Student Deposit $2,000

Tuition/Room /Cafeteria- Adventist Students (membership proof required): $20,735

Tuition/Room Cafeteria - Non Adventist Students : $21,430

With breaks stay: + up to $1,300.00 (Fall, Thanksgiving, Spring )

For a list of all other fees visit our FEES page

Revision of Rates

Because of the uncertainties of business conditions and monetary values, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to revise published rates without notice.